Byzanz & der Westen – 1000 vergessene Jahre

Schallaburg (AT)
annual exhibition in Schallaburg castle 2018
Apr 2018
Klaus Pichler/Schallaburg

The exhibition brings to mind a fascinating story of the Middle Ages: It is about curiosity and prejudice, about greed and fascination, about two worlds that were familiar to each other and yet so foreign in many ways. We set sail with pilgrims and crusaders, meet Charlemagne at his coronation, and accompany Princess Theodora of Constantinople to Austria. Exhibits from renowned collections such as the Paris Musée du Louvre, the Treasury of San Marco in Venice, and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem make "Byzanz & der Westen" the most valuable exhibition in the history of Schallaburg.

In nearly two years of work, the exhibition architecture of the 24 rooms, the marketing, as well as the catalog and magazine, were designed. We also curated the visual presentation of the illustration series by the Sardinian illustrator Angelo Monne, which flowed through all levels of the project: scenographic, educational, animative, promotional, and even as a game console.

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