München. Schau her!

BSB - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München (DE)
Temporary exhibition with photographs
Feb 2020
BSB/H.-R. Schulz

An exciting journey through time with a selection of 250 photographs from the Bavarian State Library’s (BSB) collection of 17 million images, spanning the years from 1839 to 1972!

The goal of the exhibition design was to create a special show in these grand, vast spaces with modest means, yet in a fun and eye-catching way. The aim was to attract a new audience, transitioning from a classic, stately presentation style to one that is fresher and bolder, without excluding the loyal "classic" visitors. Upon entering the "StaBi" (State Library), the special exhibition should catch the eye as early as possible. For this reason, it was not only "promoted" in the stairwell gallery but already "displayed" there.

The challenge was to present the numerous photographs in a large, pleasant format; flipping through a big book would be interesting but tiring. Projection? It would exclude an individual viewing approach. Fabric printing? It wouldn’t provide the desired print quality and would resemble a bulletin board. So, it seemed that a row arrangement, similar to a classic art gallery display, was the best solution. Visitors can set their own viewing pace. The existing Procedes panel system was used for thematic texts and large-format images, serving as striking, character-defining visual elements! For displaying the actual "exhibits" – the photographs – we used suspended, narrow, metal shelf-like beams. These elongated panels subtly indicate the walking direction, leading visitors to the climax of the exhibition in the two treasury rooms, where the most precious originals will make visitors' hearts beat faster.